Sunday, April 13, 2008

Wikipedia Search

Dazed and Confused (movie)

Is this an accurate article? and Does it cover all the basic facts you need to understand this topic? Does this article follow the wikipedia guidelines used for useful articles? Is this article fair or balanced or is it biased towards a paticular article? What changes would you make to benefit the wider wikipedia community?

Firstly i thought that the general information was really bad and didnt give the film justice. especially when it mentioned that high school films 'sucked'. however on reading the plot section i felt it gave too much information. instead of a summary of the plot it pretty much told teh story of the movie, badly too. This would give away the movie to anyone who had not seen the film, especially as it has a event by event detail. it is not biased but i dont think it is that balanced and it gives a run down of the film rather than the meaning of the film. i would personally make the plot less event detailed and more about the meaning of the movie as a whole. I would also got more trivia and facts from as that is accurate and provides useful information on movies.

Donnie Darko (film)

Is this an accurate article? and Does it cover all the basic facts you need to understand this topic? Does this article follow the wikipedia guidelines used for useful articles? Is this article fair or balanced or is it biased towards a paticular article? What changes would you make to benefit the wider wikipedia community?
i think that this is an accurate account of the film donnie darko and it certainly seems that the person who wrote understands the film well (which not many people do!) however i would like to see more triva in there, once again things that could be attached from and also more about the production and behind the scenes, not just the movie itself. the trivia of this movie is often some of its best attributes so i think that adding trivia in would benefit the wikipedia search of this movie, and help others to understand what is a fairly complex movie. i thnk that on the whole it is a fair and balanced article. although lacking in trivia, it is still informative and well written.

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